
wow, mais de 2 meses sem postar. Foi maldade nao. Nem preguica! Foi correria mesmo! My lfe is always in the fast lane over here. The fact that I am working like crazy, let me unable to chat online like before. All the free time that I have is spent with friends, books or sleeping! Sleeping? If you can say so, because I've been sleeping so little lately. Well, "bones of the job"...kkkkkk.... Lets go to the news? Ok! here we go... After June was gone, and not much had happened but work and some nights out with friends, July came. Josie came from NY to visit me and Ana came from Germany to visit our hostfamily. We spent days between the pool, the movie theater and the park. Of coure, San Chico as well. We went to the Gay Pride Parade, just to watch and have some fun. Its the largest one! July also brought me a huge responsability of an English course. The course is done for now and I had so much fun. New friends, a lot of reading and writing. Great!! Meanwhile, my ...