Not Easy
PART II: I already said that life here is not easy... sometimes you are on the spot, and sometimes on the edge too( you cant even pick one!). But its still not a reason for regret about your year and experience abroad. In fact, it is all that experience that brings you every morning the desire to keep going. The news things every day, the friends, the new places... New experiences... After finding that new friend I was telling about, we decided to go on a nice trip- with more friends- last weekend.... Everything was preatty organized and our plans were good... The weather was Ok. Not so bad... cold, but not frizzin'... Well, my point here is not that weekend itself, but how in two sec so much can change... I met two brazilian girls a week before all that... And now the circle of friends is even of them ended up going camping with us. The other one was having a B-day party and invited us over (we had just met at the store)... So crazy! Just look like I know them f...