Hi, guys! How are you all today? I hope great! This is a traveling/personal blog and I hope you enjoy it specially when I talk Disney! The post today is going to be in English because I am helping some great mamas that I have met in a FB grupo called << Smart Moms Planning Disney >> and it is all about those little things you can only find at Disney parks and hotels. So we have put our brains together and we came up with a list of things you should not miss out during your trip to WDW- so we are talking Orlando, mainly. Please, share your "little thing" on the comment section and I will add up to our list very soon (If it is land , let me know and I can create a new section for them!). Here are for all parks/restaurants at WDW: 1 - When going to any park or Disney hotel for the 1st time (or for an special occasion: b-day, anniversaries and so on), you may ask for a button that says so! They are free and super cute to keep it as a souvenir. Well, so...
Hey... How are you? I hope great! Sorry I have not been able to write lately but I wanna think 2019 will be different. LOL So my trip to Disney finally happened last August (I am writing more posts soon enough...) but something I talked about on my first Disney post did not and that was being able to spread the Pixie Dust I planned. For those newbies around here comes a little explanation on what Pixie Dust is: It is a little something you can do for people in your group/family or to others around the parks/hotels. For ex. give away stickers to kids in line or so. I have heard of families that give away their extra food-plan credits on their last day by talking to a CM during a meal and asking if it is "ok". I have also heard about leaving a few things with a letter inside someone else's stroller. Disney is all about the magic and if we can do our share, too, it is great, right? I did put a few things together for my family: dad, mom, aunt 1, aunt 2, cousin and ...
Só quem sente a dor no peito Sabe da falta de ar De se estar tão longe e de perto se querer estar.... Só quem já amou Sabe o valor de um abraço, Saudade desenvolve-se no laço É coisa de coração E só quem foi afastado Sabe o preço da solidão Solidão sem está sozinho com vários na multidão É a solidão mascarada De se querer, até na madrugada, quem prendeu seu coração. Saudade coisa boba, Saudade arrepio frio, Saudade que desce rasgando Quando choras noites a fio... Quando um beijo te bastaria a mãe, o pai e o irmão Saudades noites vazias Silêncio no coração! (Tarciana Barbosa) Calma! Nem toda saudade dura para sempre... há de passar... tudo passa... Vai sendo forte, vai ocupando a cabeça e seguindo com a vida... onde quer que você esteja, a vida é para ser vivida... Há quem escolheu nos deixar e há quem deixamos também.... Força! Bem assim! Beijos, Tarci